#21 An invitation to re-think what it means to be lazy.
Tuning into your body and choosing how to use your precious energy
Dear Lovely You,
This week I have been feeling really tired and it got me thinking…
This is me thinking… well actually this is a Photo by Tim De Pauw on Unsplash
Maybe up and down energy is normal.
Maybe we're not meant to be on the go all day, every day.
Maybe it would be healthier to follow our own rhythms.
Maybe if we did that, we would feel better, happier, saner.
Maybe if we stopped listening to everyone else's viewpoint about what we should or shouldn't be doing, we would be able to tune into our own innate wisdom and make better choices for ourselves.
Maybe there's no such thing as lazy.
Maybe the word lazy was invented during the industrialisation of the west to shame people into doing the bidding of their ‘masters.’
Maybe we are all unique in our energy levels, rythmns and what we have the capacity for.
Maybe too much stress is caused by us pushing beyond our capacity.
Maybe pushing beyond our capacity, over a period of time, breaks us.
Maybe our capacity for 'doing' is a lot less than we think.
How do you feel about doing less?
Maybe if we honoured our own energy levels and needs we would feel much better.
Maybe if we felt better we would be able to be more kind and generous.
Maybe we need to withdraw more and take time alone to re-calibrate to the pace of our own hearts.
Maybe it's good for us to switch off from the noise in the world.
What would it mean to you to give yourself permission to pause regularly?
Stop thinking about all the things there are to do.
Sink into your chair, bed or the floor and feel how it holds you.
Take your time.
Take your time.
Take your time.
And when you’re ready…
But not before…
Still pausing…………………..
Notice how you truly feel…
And when you’re ready,
Ask yourself as you sense into your body,
what do you truthfully have the energy for?
And be open to it being nothing at all and being okay with that.
With Love
From my True Self to Yours
Karen xx
Thank you.
This feels incredibly relevant to me at the moment, as I’ve been having trouble with what seems to be looking like chronic fatigue for a couple of months now. And yesterday, after being wiped out for the evening after a busy day at work, I cried for the first time because of it, feeling frustrated, alone and a little scared by it… I’ve had plenty of time to think about it and what I feel I need to do to avoid this apparent burnout - so not considering myself lazy for not pushing is a huge part of what I need to embrace.