Such a good example of listening. (Also great to hear how you and husband are on the same page! Not an easy thing to navigate!) I have something similar on the go atm - my 3D reality is not matching up to what I’ve seen in my visions and meditations. I’m trusting entirely and looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. Somethings coming!

As a side note, it’s been an intense healing week - physical, energetic, ancestral, soul and this morning, solar plexus. Def being made to rest and realising I would’ve been so highly symptomatic (& disconnected) in the past I wouldn’t have felt or connected to any of this.

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Amber you are making such great progress! Just noticing that is huge.

The physical is the hardest for me to feel. Feeling wasn't something I used to do. I just went through the motions. But I know it's the way through. I know it's the way to heal as uncomfortable as it is at times. When i don't feel I can't connect with anything else anyway.

I think you are ahead of me on trusting but I notice it's getting easier. 'Something's coming!' There's always something coming. Do we dodge it or embrace it!? Ha ha...

In the mean time, I try to fill my life with the things and people I love while I wait. Take aligned action and let go of the outcome.

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Thank you☺️ oh gosh, yes, I did not used to feel either. I was numbed out from head to toe. Numbed out from all of life in the end. A very uncomfortable journey that is deeply misunderstood.

Reading “the universe has your back”

By Gabby Bernstein was a game changer in the trust department for me. It’s a practice o keep on having to give my attention but I try my best and my best is good enough (it certainly pays the long run).

Ha ha yes something is always coming 😂

Letting go of the outcome….a challenge in and of itself. But also one worthy of our attention.

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This quote stopped me — “Want what you want with all your heart AND complete detachment from having it”. So, so true. And something that I am aspiring to

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Oh it's not easy when we have been conditioned to be attached but it's so rewarding when I can remember this. What I have noticed is, the more I trust and don't settle, the easier it's getting.

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