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Hello Everyone,

so as I live truer and truer to my own needs my letters and offerings to you are evolving.

The comments are only turned on for paid members now so this is a safe space for us to have the conversations we need to have and where I can use my skills and knowledge as a coach to help and support you.

There are currently six of you in here and I know you all. Friends and family. :o) Thank you for being here.

Being super clear about my Values is helping me to make decisions about what I can offer which is aligned with my True Self and Sustainable for my energy levels.

I am really excited now I have a bit of a plan. I'll give you more news on this next week.

For now please use the tool above to to Discover what your Values are and then use this Comments section to comment, ask questions or tell me if you get stuck.

Love Karen xx

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