What a heart-felt, truly vulnerable and wonderful letter to your brother. I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine your pain. I love your book idea.

I’d love to know more about the values test if you don’t mind sharing?

And thank you for sharing your heart xx

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Dear Tracey,

it felt important to share and yet it took a lot of courage and encouragement from others to finally do it. I don't think grief is talked about enough and I don't mean in a 'poor me' kind of way. It's just that in never goes away rather it transforms if we let it.

Here's the link to check out what your truest Values are in life it's great to have this awareness and to truly know if you're living an aligned life. It takes about twenty minutes or so to fill out. I hope you find it useful. If you have any thoughts or questions after you've done it feel free to get in touch. https://drdemartini.com/values/start

With love


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A beautiful insight into your world Karen. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain of those years without loved ones to hug. As there is no light without dark it makes me consider the depth of love and appreciation you have been shown and experienced maybe that’s what you are here to teach through your sharing. I suspect your brother is the one who’s been whispering to do this 🙏

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Dear Sue,

I have had full body tingles when thinking about doing it so maybe he was whispering...

It's interesting that by far the most viewed letters I have sent so far have been when I have touched on grief. I have some resistance to writing more and yet that seems to be the direction in which I am being pointed. :-)

I am blessed that I have loving and supportive family and friends around me.

Much love

Karen xx

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What terrible losses you have suffered. While I have not experienced what you have, It sounds like we are on similar journeys. I love that. Knowing others who are becoming themselves. I really resonated with your values list. I want to do that quickie values thing you write about. I’m glad to have found you here.

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Lovely to meet you Kim and looking forward to connecting with you more. feel free to sahre your values here if it feels right. :o)

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