And still caring and tender and compassionate.
I want to rant about the unfairness of the world and still feel whole.
I want to take corrupt politicians, billionaires and others by the scruffs
of their necks, reconnect them to their emotions
and show them the damage they're doing.
I want to change the world.
I want the world to be fair and equitable.
I want my friends and family to be able to live honest lives,
to thrive, be warm, well fed and abundant.
I want to have the space to express ALL this and ALL emotions AND to still be loved and accepted.
Photo credit- https://unsplash.com/@marta_boixo
I want time alone and quiet so I can hear my inner callings.
I want everyone to be able to enjoy nature.
To smell the earth and kiss a tree.
I want children to flourish to find their own inner joys
and express them in their own unique ways.
I want that for us all.
I want to have firm boundaries,
Be completely honest about what I do or don't want to do
and still be loved.
Sometimes I want to scream and yell.
Sometimes I want complete silence.
Sometimes I want company.
I want to talk in a normal way
and get things off my chest with the people who 'get me'.
I feel, I feel, I feel.
Energy coming through me.
It must be heard.
Must be expressed.
To suppress it is to depress myself.
Deny myself the honour of this energy.
I want to be a lioness and a bear cub.
Because sometimes I want to roar
and sometimes I want to curl up with my mum in a cave and be safe.
I don't want to be all things to all people.
I want to be myself.
I want to dance to my own time, to my own inner knowing.
I want to swing you around with me and to laugh
until we can't stand up straight anymore.
Giggling on the floor, bellies aching.
I want to read lush stories and be taken into other people's lives.
I want to discuss those stories within deep friendships.
I want to create a life of freedom, flow and fun.
But I also want to feel the depths of despair when they arrive.
When I'm sad I want to be able to cry and not worry about what people think.
I want to lose control and not worry that people will be worried about me.
I want to run naked into the cold British sea
and be instantly warm when I come out.
I want to spin like a dervish. Wrestle in a pool of mud. Shower.
Have a deep massage. And sleep for 12 hours.
I want to sleep peacefully for 9 hours EVERY NIGHT.
I want to wake up feeling radiant EVERY MORNING.
I want to know what to do with the energy that wants to pour through me.
I want to express myself in the only ways I can.
I want to wander across the countryside freely,
absorbed and immersed in nature.
And I want a wholesÂome meal at the end of it.
I want to embrace all the conflicting sides of myself
and love myself like I have never been loved before.
I want all of this and to not worry about what anyone thinks.
I want to be free to be.
The me that wants to shine. The me that wants to hide.
The me that cares. The me that doesn't care.
I just want to be honest and real.
Start your writing with, I WANT… and continue until you run out of things to say. Don’t edit or stop or worry about grammar, punctuation or spellings. Just write.
Share in the comments below if you want to.
Or share your thoughts on what you have written.
Your learnings, reflections, surprises, disappointments…
It’s all valid.
Going to try this exercise this weekend so that I can reconnect with my desires, they've been very much lost along the way