Sharing your Self-Love Wins is a weekly Anchor to remember and re-remember to care for yourself because you have as much right to be happy as anyone else.
Dear Lovely You,
I have been trying to think of a way to support you better.
This letter is written every week on a newish platform called Substack. Some of you know it and some of you won’t realise that there is a whole other beautiful generous space on Substack for sharing called Notes. It is Substack’s social media arm but not like any other I have used.
Every week on Wednesdays I am inviting people like you to share their Self-Love Wins.
You can find my Notes section HERE on the website.
Or download the Substack app.
Self-Love is Self-Respect + Self-Compassion for every aspect of yourself.
Honouring your needs, wants and desires.
Honouring your energy levels.
Honouring your boundaries.
Honouring your physical capabilities, weaknesses and strengths.
Honouring your emotions, feeling them and expressing them safely.
Honouring your beliefs and making your values a priority.
Honouring your right to be happy, vibrant and fulfilled.
Changing your mean thought patterns and how you talk to yourself to being kind and caring like you are to others.
Listening to your body and resting instead of pushing through and trying to do more.
Pausing then consciously deciding before answering someone’s request/demand that you do something for them.
Pausing then consciously deciding before automatically doing something for someone that they can do themselves.
Being patient with yourself as you begin to make the changes you need to make to shift towards being an Empowered Caretaker rather than exhausted from putting everyone else first all the time.
Listening with compassion to your Inner Child who was shamed into being an over giving, people pleaser and asking her what she needs.
A moment of feeling self-compassion.
Not beating yourself up so much (or at all) when you forget to be kind to yourself because old habits take time to change.
Saying ‘no’ to people and things you don’t have the energy or capacity for.
Saying ‘no’ to people and things because you just don’t want to. Believe me that is good enough reason!
Celebrating a moment, minute, five minutes, an hour, day, days or a whole week of Self-Love.
Finding you can take better care of others without resentment when you take care of yourself OR stop being the Caretaker and give yourself permission to become who you're meant to be.
Self-Love Shares is a gentle, regular reminder to Honour Your True Self because we all need support and cheerleaders who understand us.
What’s the difference between Self-Love & Self-Care?
Self-Care - the things you do (actions you take) or don't do, in order to take care of your own needs. Doing things that nourish you. Not doing things that deplete you or undermine your sense of self-worth or make you feel resentful. They are the things that support self-love.
Self-Love is the esteem or regard you have for yourself. It’s an attitude, a non-negotiable feeling of self-worth and a knowing that you deserve to be happy, vibrant and fulfilled.
Come and share your Self-Love Wins on Notes. I can’t wait to meet you there! 🤎
With Love
from my True Self to Yours
Karen xx
PS. Join in and Share Your Self-Love Wins on the Substack website HERE.
Or download the app.