Life is easier with the right community around you. #31
I need to know what the heck you want. :o)
Dear Lovely You,
I am loving creating these love letters for you, sharing my knowledge and stories. Thank you for inviting me into a little corner of your life.

Working towards bringing together a community of like-minded humans all on a quest to Rediscover our True Selves feels like the culmination of a lifetimes work and I know without doubt I am on the right path.
It takes time, patience, courage and determination to keep going.
Waking up in the morning and knowing I can come here and serve you as I am is the best feeling!
I love writing. I love expressing myself and all I know through writing. And I love doing it right here on Substack.
I have had fun this week creating a Welcome page to make it easier for you to navigate my Substack page and clearer what you can expect whether you’re a free or paid subscriber.
Go to the welcome page below to see more and find all the letters you’ve missed and feel free to invite your friends.
Honouring Your True Self Community
Communities are not created by one person. Rather they are a gathering of people with different Skills, Abilities, Knowledge, Awareness and Perceptions. Like a good meal the ingredients are varied but all contribute to the rich textures and tastes.
Communities are places where we can all learn together and where everyone is valid.
I would love to know more about you and what you would like from me.
What do you want or need most to overcome the obstacles that get in the way of you Rediscovering and Becoming and above all Embodying Your True Self?
To help me help you come on over to the True Self Community Introductions page LINK BELOW
I created this so I can be of better service to you and create more of the kind of offerings that you want.
To get the ball rolling I have already commented myself and can’t wait to hear from you too.
Please don’t worry if you’re shy, just a few words would make all the difference. Pop over and let me know; who you are, what brought you here and what I can do for you. Connecting warms our hearts…
Paid Members
The paid members community is a safe place for us to explore being more of our True Self. Once we get going, Member numbers will be capped to ensure it stays a safe place to share, an easy place to navigate and a warm place to have conversations and make friends.
Have you downloaded the Substack app yet?
I know. I know. Not another blinking app! But hear me out. :o)
I am finding that using the app it is much easier to find what I am looking for and can read things when I have a spare few minutes while cooking. :o)
A lot of people still haven’t heard of Substack, especially those of us in the UK. It is a beautiful platform where writers can share without censorship and without adverts. Yay!
Personally, I choose not to have any social media on my phone. I know it's addictive and makes me pick up my phone a ridiculous number of times through the day. The dopamine hits feel good for a second but then we need more and more to sustain it.
I don't like it and it's not fun. I value my time far too much to waste it. The only exception is Substack.
Substack is full of quality writing on many different topics including coaches, artists, fiction writers, poets, fitness, tech, money, slow living communities, health, women in business, how to be a better writer and many more. If you have a particular interest, definitely check it out.
Also downloading the app makes it easier to Respond to Surveys, Questions and Polls.
And their only Social Media element is called ‘notes’ and it is a very calm, generous space where people share letters and stories they have loved reading.
With Love
From my True Self to Yours
Karen xx
PSSST…. Remember to come on over and introduce yourself here
PSST PSST… Check out the new Welcome page here
PSST PSST PSST… You can download the app here
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